1 | |
ElGruntox |
Last talked: 11/20/2010 23:44 |
Visits: 977 |
Lines: 185972 |
Days active: 637/752 |
Average lines per day: 292 |
Average letters per line: 24.6 |
Number of descriptions: 53 |
Topics set: 333 |
Conversations killed: 108 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Alter-ego nicks used: 101 |
| Likes chatting with: |
ElGruntox | |
Gruntox | |
elBOOtox | |
elgrinchtox | |
Other (97) | |
pissflaps | |
fatcat | |
Rogue | |
tom collins | |
Fishmech | |
The latest lines
11/20/2010 23:16 | <ElGruntox> then ill buy you weed |
23:16 | <ElGruntox> then it will be a good trip |
23:17 | <ElGruntox> im a cop |
23:17 | <ElGruntox> ir |
23:44 | <ElGruntox> .lastfm |
2 | |
vertigo |
Last talked: 11/20/2010 14:27 |
Visits: 4217 |
Lines: 167249 |
Days active: 697/752 |
Average lines per day: 240 |
Average letters per line: 28.7 |
Number of descriptions: 35 |
Topics set: 170 |
Conversations killed: 79 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Alter-ego nicks used: 71 |
| Likes chatting with: |
vertigo | |
Zapf | |
vertiGhost | |
mightaswell | |
Other (67) | |
pissflaps | |
fatcat | |
Rogue | |
tom collins | |
Don Lapre | |
The latest lines
3 | |
tom collins |
Last talked: 11/20/2010 17:50 |
Visits: 1934 |
Lines: 151645 |
Days active: 660/752 |
Average lines per day: 230 |
Average letters per line: 33.8 |
Number of descriptions: 387 |
Topics set: 434 |
Conversations killed: 70 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Alter-ego nicks used: 152 |
| Likes chatting with: |
tom_collins | |
LooseChanj | |
tom_collins_ | |
atominable_snowman | |
Other (148) | |
pissflaps | |
fatcat | |
Rogue | |
vertigo | |
ElGruntox | |
The latest lines
11/20/2010 17:50 | <tom collins> dumb people like things that work |
17:50 | <tom collins> ok |
17:50 | <tom collins> lol if i had closet space for computers |
17:50 | <tom collins> lool |
17:50 | *** tom collins has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving ) |
4 | |
Fishmech |
Last talked: 11/20/2010 23:42 |
Visits: 910 |
Lines: 108529 |
Days active: 670/752 |
Average lines per day: 162 |
Average letters per line: 44.9 |
Number of descriptions: 236 |
Topics set: 177 |
Conversations killed: 82 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Alter-ego nicks used: 52 |
| Likes chatting with: |
Fishmech | |
Fishmech` | |
fishmech_ | |
fishmech-1215n | |
Other (48) | |
pissflaps | |
fatcat | |
Rogue | |
ElGruntox | |
tom collins | |
The latest lines
5 | |
preg |
Last talked: 11/19/2010 19:48 |
Visits: 1529 |
Lines: 106357 |
Days active: 388/752 |
Average lines per day: 274 |
Average letters per line: 25.3 |
Number of descriptions: 70 |
Topics set: 236 |
Conversations killed: 53 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Alter-ego nicks used: 259 |
| Likes chatting with: |
preg | |
flux_Core | |
preg_work | |
pregmobile | |
Other (255) | |
pissflaps | |
Rogue | |
fatcat | |
tom collins | |
ElGruntox | |
The latest lines
11/20/2010 7:33 | *** flux Core has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
12:44 | *** flux Core has joined #yospos |
23:09 | *** flux Core has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
23:49 | *** flux Core has joined #yospos |
23:56 | *** flux Core has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
6 | |
Last talked: 11/20/2010 21:14 |
Visits: 310 |
Lines: 70065 |
Days active: 292/752 |
Average lines per day: 240 |
Average letters per line: 36.1 |
Number of descriptions: 323 |
Topics set: 129 |
Conversations killed: 43 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Alter-ego nicks used: 20 |
| Likes chatting with: |
Def-Haunter | |
Def-Sleeper | |
Other (16) | |
pissflaps | |
fatcat | |
Rogue | |
jonny290 | |
tom collins | |
The latest lines
11/20/2010 21:14 | <DEF-CHARGER> elGruntox: we have a media PC in the lounge too, so the 360 would literally just be for games |
21:14 | <DEF-CHARGER> elGruntox: i could get a dvd mod drive for it |
21:14 | <DEF-CHARGER> for like $45 |
21:14 | <DEF-CHARGER> or do it myself |
21:29 | *** DEF-CHARGER has quit IRC (Client exited ) |
7 | |
jonny290 |
Last talked: 11/20/2010 21:59 |
Visits: 1172 |
Lines: 69211 |
Days active: 379/752 |
Average lines per day: 183 |
Average letters per line: 28.2 |
Number of descriptions: 61 |
Topics set: 55 |
Conversations killed: 21 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Alter-ego nicks used: 298 |
| Likes chatting with: |
jonny290 | |
afk290 | |
General_Failure | |
[]J | |
Other (294) | |
pissflaps | |
Rogue | |
tom collins | |
fatcat | |
ElGruntox | |
The latest lines
11/20/2010 21:59 | <jonny290> and they stop |
21:59 | <jonny290> every fucking time |
21:59 | <jonny290> thats the joke hurr |
21:59 | <jonny290> zinger |
23:35 | *** jonny290 has quit IRC (nexus.hub.us.synirc.net | |