#yospos statistics generated by Fishmech

Statistics generated from Sunday 11/14/2010 to Saturday 11/20/2010
During this 7-day reporting period a total of 139 people visited #yospos

1. Main page | 2. Detailed info

Daily chat activity








11/14 11/15 11/16 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/20

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24

Channel load by hours

4.3% 3.8% 4.0% 3.2% 2.6% 1.8% 1.8% 1.0% 2.2% 2.9% 4.0% 3.8% 4.5% 5.1% 4.3% 3.8% 6.5% 5.3% 5.5% 5.2% 7.2% 5.2% 5.2% 6.7%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Top 100 nicks

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 &GentleAutist 2445 "load flash, suddenly everything is opern for business"
2 &elGruntox 2404 "a lot better than i expected"
3 &Fishmech 2359 "Luigi30 thats how sex works irl"
4 &url 1815 "i got a heavy month coming"
5 @Def-Charger 1795 "Trustworthy: http://imgur.com/C3rFA.gif"
6 gotdatwmd 1503 "when it should have remained in the stoneage like vietnam"
7 @Cuw 1400 "in the midwest you get ranch on everything"
8 &preg 1384 "call of booty: black cocks"
9 &vertigo 1371 "i'll just buy $60 worth of weed instead"
10 catteproject 1332 "Def-Charger: Chomp linked that 8 hours, 12 minutes ago."
11 virion 1260 "I remember when they cracked open the IIe in our grade school classroom
and found it full of cheetos"
12 &jonny290 1086 "he got a hospital job lol"
13 &trich 942 "jegHegy I'm not complaining??"
14 royalbuttlords 918 "im the yospos mascot"
15 @graham 874 "if in like 3 or 4 years i move to apple or something long-term we'll sell
it, if not i'll move back here and work remote"
16 @Luigi30 859 "also the guy who invented microprocessor pinball tables after seeing
an electronic clock and thinking how cool it would be in a pinball table"
17 &tom collins 782 "yes exactly i cant sell shit that doesnt turn on to dumb people ok"
18 &jegHegy 763 "lol when did dilbert turn into frustrated passive aggressive sperg comics"
19 @nanerpuss 758 "Wheeee, cidrick did methinks"
20 melonhead 756 "pronounced "dead mouse""
21 graph 752 "gunstar hereos is weeaboo shit"
22 iretch 726 "besides the fact that its awful"
23 @lovebread 648 "Senate Republicans Vote Unanimously Against Bill To Help Guarantee
Fair Pay For Women"
24 sniep 561 "i never know until whim"
25 @relative q 451 "fishmech: yo what was the name of that weird book written by the
26 Nevergirls 443 "came here to tell GentleAutist about my poop"
27 @DjLizard 440 "wait did I just say that"
28 sherman 424 "naner did you click on the firefox thread again"
29 pcoolname 420 "going to text you until you run out of money"
30 Skyl3lazer 411 "That has always sounded like the Reader's Digest version of Genesis
to me :)"
31 stringent 393 "sniep: you doing decasse?"
32 sampson 390 "i know it's something about copying running-config"
33 CuntAndPaste 390 ".rls twitter my shitter"
34 ahmeni 376 "too time to update a gay itunes"
35 CRANGERUS 334 "stoli and red bull is good but expensive"
36 @luma 314 "already b& in michigan :("
37 iz 312 "yeah, i've activated span ports before.. for various reasons.."
38 clockwork sundial 294 "trich you should get a white pocket square fo your blazer"
39 Lakitu7 288 "all have albums out also for free download go get"
40 PolPotPiPad 286 "CHARONS BOAT RIDER posted:"
41 +fork bomb 284 "is the mass input/output members something out of the ordinary?"
42 &Flobbster 274 "elGruntox: he was an arrogant prick"
43 Tangra 269 "cant wait for SGU to start"
44 &Char 267 "yase teh goggales good sire only the finest steampunk headgear for
my imaginary goon princess"
45 Wheeee 249 "tugged too many times"
46 &Rufo 247 "GentleAutist is your connection better now"
47 module 237 "my old 360 didnt even have the top/bottom grey bits because i had broken
the little clips while ripping it off. so much better that way"
48 @Migishu 233 "pff, they should chagne warlocks back to they way they were"
49 nitre 226 "its not a life choice"
50 @Don Lapre 225 "enjoy your heart problems"
51 incognito 223 "i do what my friends have named "the pimp wiggle" where
i stick my arms straight up in the air and awkwardly jerk my hips around."
52 +Gunrun 218 "so nothing dodgy politically or whatever"
53 wolffenstein 217 "didn't as2 come out earlier this year"
54 whitecw 203 "hmm yes let me just forget this biological function"
55 @Wit sponge 194 "i put milk and sugar in my tea pcoolname fuck yo"
56 Origin 193 "we have reached the era of chatroullette passing the Turing test"
57 wonder 190 "goon celebrates being single; normal person celebrates being alive"
58 borderpatrol 189 "get a bunch of microusb cables from monoprice and a simple usb cigarette
lighter charger"
59 dongsmif 182 "i spent 4 days or so crappin' painful water like every 45 minutes recently"
60 Zapf 177 "Willow Palin, the 16-year-old daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah
Palin, wrote multiple SA posts containing homophobic slurs such as
"YUO = FAGOT" on Sunday night, according to TMZ."
61 +IntPorp 167 "first two from jungle juice (fruit juice _+alc ,can't taste it)"
62 FlyingMariachi 165 "I like to pretend it got cancelled"
63 ShadowHawk 164 "but there are like 4 different digital download services that sell torchlight
that don't work in wine due to retarded DRM"
64 &Deviant 160 "luma i have a list of data"
65 Neu 158 "I'm not feeling red meat at all"
66 neolithic 158 "PAL NES stuff is the worst"
67 Lutha 157 "oh that wasnt a question sorry"
68 &KaeseEs 148 "CuntAndPaste: not a fan of my old av?"
69 craisins 134 "that happens w a lot of drugs. people convinced my cymbalta was
the solution for my condition, til it had a shitty reaction with my condition
and made things 100x worse"
70 Partycat 128 "I'm not sure when the external posting goes up though"
71 @amnizu 126 "iretch_ you dont even understand how dusty the inside of an airplane
72 AlexMax 124 "i just realized something"
73 DOOMocrat 120 "grab your ankles I need to open my beer"
74 Crangeru 118 "re: grenade spam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2Qpui1hYBw"
75 pissflaps 115 "cool its thug_bonnet"
76 ~tef 113 "http://secretvolcanobase.org/~tef/t/Black%20Moth%20Super%20Rainbow/
77 p01s0n 111 "towed the rx7 out to my workshop today"
78 sponge- 109 "the one excuse for everything"
79 wozblod 107 "or some girl that goes by that name"
80 @mrbucket 102 "oracle can suck my balls"
81 ThirdWorldReggin 100 "need to make fat pants that have the image of a fanny pack on the front
to confuse"
82 ryouga 99 "api keys on nzbmatrix are vip only, that is some shit"
83 Jorsh 98 "free software does not pay"
84 doritos 98 "lol that's kind of a simple diagram"
85 Zapf School 95 "http://box422.bluehost.com/~videogc7/forum/attachment.php?attachmenti...
86 PowerCrazy 94 "look you don't draw a gun unless you intend to kill someone with it"
87 tritch 92 "everyone should have one"
88 Shrek 88 "does anyone remember ol' piston eggs?"
89 MachWon 88 "this is the email that the student sent the guy"
90 FatRacistCop 88 "Oh yeah I gotta add a friend on facebook who is a server monkey for
some geocaching website"
91 lark 87 "did yospos come up with spergin? or was that stolen from someplace
92 &bamzilla 80 "oh"
93 afreak 77 "Char: sounds like a girl i was once with. she went to japan but we kind
of admitted to each other that we were interested. she was at school
and i spoke to her quite often"
94 JonTheExecutor 75 "27-inch iMacs are awesome thouh"
95 wonder weapon 74 "but i will tell my friends"
96 @jawnv6 74 "what's the pixel limit on avs"
97 &rotor 72 "not yet *knocks on wood*"
98 SporkOfTruth 69 "Action 52 is fucking abysmal"
99 Sirveaux 67 "jegHegy: what the fuck"
100 LE 66 "getting angry at customers"

The runner-up list
jigglemaster7 (66) herschel (66) Reaganomicon (65) Astarath (64) sarthek (61) multigl (59)
Trustworthy (57) @fender (56) tonsil hockey (55) Scrabbles (55) Cruller (50) Yavin (48)
+cheesebot (45) @thug bonnet (42) Chomp (42) Szpadelman (41) krylex (40) kirk- (40)
TheVinjaNigga (39) the evan (36) soy1 (35) wntd (33) Tatsujin (33) @malkman (30)
weedgoku (29) @talkinghead (29) palaceofhate (26) Penguinwarfare (24) Sweeper (23) yoozer (22)
will` (21) tweedgroku (21) nivdes (21) mightaswell (19) anamaldotnet (19) jidar (17)
hamlog (17) rocketjumpin290 (16) whatson (15)

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1Def-Charger - 948
GentleAutist - 846
preg - 935
elGruntox - 1335
2Fishmech - 759
url - 687
elGruntox - 898
Fishmech - 953
3virion - 715
royalbuttlords - 533
GentleAutist - 729
GentleAutist - 798
4Cuw - 417
preg - 352
gotdatwmd - 682
jonny290 - 712
5jegHegy - 394
trich - 308
vertigo - 655
url - 704
6sniep - 375
gotdatwmd - 202
Fishmech - 586
graham - 637
7DjLizard - 367
nanerpuss - 201
tom collins - 531
catteproject - 627
8Luigi30 - 316
graph - 182
Cuw - 324
vertigo - 609
9nanerpuss - 267
jegHegy - 172
catteproject - 307
Def-Charger - 580
10sherman - 242
Cuw - 164
graph - 291
gotdatwmd - 558

Topic tracking

3 latest topics from #yospos

At Topic Nick
11/20/2010 21:34http://tindeck.com/listen/zrdb | http://i.imgur.com/6IXWR.jpg saturday night in
the yos. | http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f27/mitsuminh/linux_usage_among_...
20:49http://i.imgur.com/6IXWR.jpg saturday night in the yos. | http://i44.photobucket.co...
18:48http://i.imgur.com/6IXWR.jpg saturday night in the yos.elGruntox

5 random topics
At Topic Nick
11/20/2010 13:12DRINK DA FANNY BATTERtrich
11/17/2010 12:00hammeredspace banme http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?thr...
| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy_a3oCDzRA
11/16/2010 20:19http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpKtarjTvqU&feature=channelelGruntox
11/15/2010 15:35Crangeru is a master of mole station. | THAT'S SO NANERPUSnanerpuss
11/14/2010 12:37BALLS OF STEELTangra

80 topic changes between 11/14/2010 and 11/20/2010

Big Numbers

Wheeee needs to get a better connection - joined #yospos 86 times during this reporting period...
Quit message spammers
Nick percentage Random Quote
1. Nevergirls 40.0 % NickServ (GHOST command used by Nevergirls2)
2. virion 28.6 % Broken pipe
3. jegHegy 20.0 % Leaving
url liked showing off, giving 6 self-descriptions.
 11/15/2010 10:27 * url is a pedo
amnizu kicked a total of 19 people from #yospos, more than anyone else.
 11/14/2010 13:55 <pissflaps> cool its Nuggan
11/14/2010 13:55 *** pissflaps was kicked by amnizu (that *is* cool)

Also preg tried to look cool by kicking out 10 people.

Fishmech knew those right words and said "219" for 3 times.
trich spoke the most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row 13 times...

url also liked talking to themself - caught on camera 11 times.

 11/16/2010 19:56 <Def-Charger> AND BURY THE CASTLE
Channel activity peak: 12 people were active on 11/14/2010 23:12 - 23:14
Active users during this 2-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 lovebread, KaeseEs, preg, Cuw, elGruntox, whitecw, melonhead, dongsmif, catteproject, gotdatwmd, CuntAndPaste, Zapf
catteproject wrote the longest lines - average of 123 letters per line.

Average line length on #yospos was 35 letters.

#yospos's nick flooders (still haven't found the best one, Nevergirls...)
Nevergirls6 Nicks Nevergirls(99%), Alwaysgirls(0.5%), Nevergirls_away(0.0%), Never_away(0.0%), Nevergirls2(0.0%), Nevergirls-away(0.0%)
Tangra5 Nicks Tangra(93%), Tangro(5.2%), Tangraway(1.1%), mib_4y9ua2(0.0%), Tangra_(0.0%)
borderpatrol5 Nicks borderpatrol(99%), Chris(0.5%), border-afk(0.0%), borderpatrol_(0.0%), borderpatrol-butt(0.0%)
jegHegy5 Nicks jegHegy_(33%), jegHegy(29%), URMOMS_PERL_NECKLACE(29%), BONGLORD(4.5%), jegHegy__(3.1%)
incognito4 Nicks incognito(52%), incogneeto(39%), askljdkl(4.9%), aksjdlkaj(3.1%)

Activity distribution

November 2010

Lines per day Number of days
1 (14%)
2 (29%)
1 (14%)
1 (14%)
1 (14%)
1 (14%)


November 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Lines: 45798

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days
1 vertigo  7
2 melonhead  7
3 stringent  7
4 KaeseEs  7
5 Zapf  7
6 elGruntox  7
7 sherman  7
8 Migishu  7
9 url  7
10 whitecw  7
11 trich  7
12 tom collins  7
13 nitre  7
14 AlexMax  7
15 CuntAndPaste  7
16 gotdatwmd  7
17 Rufo  7
18 afreak  7
19 cheesebot  7
20 sniep  7

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At
1 mrbucket  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
2 Wheeee  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
3 PolPotPiPad  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
4 jegHegy  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
5 Gunrun  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
6 Origin  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
7 catteproject  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
8 amnizu  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
9 Flobbster  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
10 luma  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
11 nanerpuss  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
12 GentleAutist  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
13 sampson  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
14 Cuw  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
15 Tangra  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
16 Nevergirls  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
17 Def-Charger  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
18 lovebread  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
19 Char  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010
20 Luigi30  7 11/14 - 11/20/2010

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